Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh, the Light!

We continue to get snow. 
 I shake my head.

On the plus side, the weather has caused some crazy good light.
The snow-falling days have produced a giant soft box outside my window -
quiet, low lighting that reminds me of Dutch still life paintings and Rembrandt's work.

 So, I'll take advantage of that for now...
while I dream of spring.

Wishing you a week filled with amazing light!


  1. It does look like a still life painting. Beautifully done. It is below zero here this morning.

  2. Who would have thought green onions could look so good!

  3. Yes, this images gives a very painterly effect, thanks to the lighting. I like the selective focus you've done. I know these onions as 'spring onions' as you find them in the shops in the spring and those who like onions like to slice them and put them into salad!

  4. This really is beautiful light, Anna.
    Yes, winter does seem to be hanging on.
    We have a major snowstorm forecast for midweek.
    Just hoping that it passes us by this time.

    Have a wonderful week!

  5. So pretty, Did you then cook them up for dinner?

  6. Yes, I did use a number of these green onions in a stir fry! So good :)

  7. green onions and light..very unique photo and good for you for finding the positives in this long drawn out winter.

  8. Nice light, great capture!
    Also very beautifull post from the city, buildings look like delicate laces...
