Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Reflections

Ms. Summer is busy packing her bags, getting ready to leave.
She sees the signs ~
shorter days,
cooler nights,
the first touches of golden color
in the foliage, 
Canadian Geese heralding the coming of Fall.

I will miss her wonderful, billowy cloud reflections on the lake,

 dancing among the lilly pads,

towering storm clouds,

and raindrops.
It has been a beautiful display of color, pattern, and ever changing imagery!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Liberate Your Art

Our snail mail generally consists of magazines (fun), junk mail (not fun - wasteful of resources), 
and bills (definitely not fun).
But, this summer was different because I participated in Kat's Liberate Your Art postcard swap.
Here's the deal, each artist sent Kat 5 postcards of their work plus stamps. 
Then, Kat did all the work of distributing them - Thanks Kat!!!
So, I received colorful art cards from 5 different artists.  Now that was very fun!
The postcards pictured above were from Kirstin, Darlene, Urban Muser
She Dreams of the Sea, Catherine, and Kat (links added where given).
Such a treat!  Thank you ladies.

I've decided to continue the postcard goodness by offering a group of 6 of mine.
For a chance at this freebie, just leave a comment.
If you want to double your chances, tell me if you are a follower of my blog or become one now.
I'll announce the winner in a week, or so, and ask for your snail mail address.

P.S. I had my postcards printed by MOO and found the quality to be exceptional.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Burdock and Velcro

I found Burdock in the corner of a quiet lot.  
Now, I'm sure Burdock is not on your beloved plant list, 
as it is a biennial thistle and considered an invasive species in North America.  
But, Burdock does have some redeeming qualities......

It is a traditional medicinal herb, the seed is a known antibiotic, 
and its tap root is a popular root vegetable in Asia.

The most interesting fact about Burdock is its link to Velcro.
"After taking his dog for a walk in the early 1940's, George de Mestral, a Swiss inventor, 
became curious about the seeds of the burdock plant that had attached themselves to his clothes
 and to the dog's fur.  
Under a microscope, he looked closely at the hook-and-loop system that the seeds use 
to hitch hike on passing animals aiding seed dispersal, 
and he realized that the same approach could be used to join other things together. 
 The result was Velcro".

In the end, quite an inspiring plant!
(info and quote source:

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Our daughter is packing.... for college that is.
This week, I'll help her with the move.  Of course, I'll bring my camera.
Since we live in the woods, some city scenery will be a  treat!

These images are from a different trip, 
a different town -
beautiful architecture and design that I admired.

Happy week to you!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Classic Cars

Generally, I have no interest in cars, but classic cars...
well, that's another story.
When my husband asked if I wanted to go to the local classic car show,
my answer was "Yes!" and I got my camera bag ready.

The cars exhibited many of the qualities that I hunt for - 
vivid color, graceful shapes, reflections, and abstract patterns.

Beautiful, rich value contrasts, too.

Company is coming, so I may not be back till next week.
Hope your week is happy!

Linking at The Creative Exchange and

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rain Drops

While parts of the country are still experiencing drought, 
we have had some stormy, cool weather.  
This has been a welcome reprieve after the heat and humidity of the last month.
It's funny, I yearn for summer,
but when it gets too hot and sticky....well, I whine about it.
Yep, call me fickle ~ I'll own up to it!

Here's the start of one of our stormy days.

A dramatic morning sky, and then peaceful reflections. 
Next, came the rain.

Rain drops were everywhere, 
like jewels in the foliage!

Deadly Nightshade along the water's edge.

And finally.... a dragonfly impression.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Wonderful Day

Some days are just filled with wonder.
No words can add to this amazing gift!

Saturday was my luck day.  
Along with nature's gift, 
I found that I had been chosen as the recipient of Lisa Gordon's giveaway! 
Lisa is a very talented fellow photographer and
I feel blessed to be receiving her gift of Susannah Conway's Unravelling course!
Big smile :)
Please check out both these links!
