Sunday, March 30, 2014

Seeing Beyond

An expanse of green, sparkling bokeh, and a lone droplet conjures up thoughts of vastness,
 wilderness, aloneness, loneliness, singular strength, light, enlightenment...

Maybe I think too much,
maybe you see freshly rinsed kale and selective focus on a single droplet.

Hope you have a great week full of wonder!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Oh, the Light!

We continue to get snow. 
 I shake my head.

On the plus side, the weather has caused some crazy good light.
The snow-falling days have produced a giant soft box outside my window -
quiet, low lighting that reminds me of Dutch still life paintings and Rembrandt's work.

 So, I'll take advantage of that for now...
while I dream of spring.

Wishing you a week filled with amazing light!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

City Heights

I'm off to the big city for business and fun,
or maybe just the business of fun.

Either way, I'm looking forward to good food without cooking, 
museum visits, and catching up with my favorite peeps!

Have a great week!
Comments are off.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

30 Spring Photo Prompts

I wish I could say our woods are touched with hints of green,
 bursting buds, and spring flowers...
but, truth be told,
 my world looks very white, while the dream of spring lies buried 
under mini-mountains of snow and cold. 

Hopefully, spring is no stranger at your house and you will enjoy my 
30 Spring Photo Prompts!

As for me, I guess I'll just have to continue
 dreaming of spring...