Outsider art, quirky, creative, unusual -
all of these words could be used to describe the
Wisconsin Concrete Park in Phillips, WI.
Retired lumberjack, Fred Smith (1886 - 1976) was the mastermind
behind this menagerie of 237 concrete sculptures.
A "green" artist ahead of his time,
Fred used shells, glass shards, beer bottles from his tavern - The Rock Garden Tavern,
and other junk art materials to create a cast of historical characters.
You'll find larger than life cowboys, miners, Indians,
soliders, horses, oxen, wild animals, and gigantic fish
standing against the backdrop of a pine forest.
Built over a period of 14 years,
this self-taught sculptor said of his obsession,
"It's Gotta Be In Ya to Do It".
As they say in northern Wisconsin,
"Yeah Ya Betcha!"
Wishing you a Blessed Holiday Season
and a wildly creative New Year!!!
I'll be taking a holiday break......
see you on Monday, January 2, 2012!
Linking at The Creative Exchange.